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Can't thank you enough

Middleway Urban Monastery Team

Dear friends, There isn't a rose bush growing within blocks of the monastery. So imagine the smile this one brought to find it intentionally placed on our windowsill early Saturday morning. Perhaps one of you reading this left it. We'd like to think it was an expression of hope, comfort and peace. We started Middleway with that in mind ... a place to find hope, comfort, and peace as you explore ways of experiencing God's love. Today, you, the gifter of a rose, brought that hope, comfort, and peace to us. Thanks so much! Read below to find much to be thankful for, programs to attend AND the way for you to volunteer to be a part of Middleway's community! Middleway's Facebook Group

Chanting the Psalms and Contemplative Sit SUNDAY!

Deepen your spirituality by chanting the psalms. Led by Amy Thompson, this features Anglican and Gregorian chants using Psalms, followed by a 20-minute meditative sit (or centering). The next gathering is June 25 at 2 p.m.

More thanks to share Our art table has legs, thanks to a volunteer! About 95 percent of our furnishings were hand-me-downs, donations, or maybe even curbside treasurers found on recycling day. Our beautiful art table, in fact, was just a legless wooden top. It's been sitting on some lovely sawhorses for 18 months. That worked fine until we needed to rearrange the table for an event, which is often. That took a couple of people to carefully coordinate the movement and shuffle the sawhorses underneath. But woodworking happens to be a hobby for The Rev. Jonathan Murray of Covenant Presbyterian Church, who visited Middleway recently to see what we have to offer. What we have to offer then became his offer to us! Murray put his skills to work quickly and made sturdy, permanent legs under the table top. Now it can be easily moved. Thank you so much, Jonathan! Everyone has a talent. Come let us know what you would like to do for the monastery.

Creativity with The Creator

This summer we're providing simple creative projects you can d0 at your own pace. Instructions are provided for you to create while soaking up our relaxing atmosphere. There are no rules for each project's outcome. You be you. This week we feature sticker collage. Collage comes from a French word meaning sticking or gluing pieces together. Usually we think of using magazines or pieces of paper. The end result is one new picture assembled from the combined pieces of other smaller pieces. It can be a very meditative and meaningful art expression. We have a pile of stickers for people of all ages to use in creating your collage this week. Instructions are on the art table. The art zone, like all of the monastery, is judgment free, and our projects work for school-aged children through adults. Here's what you can create with us this summer:

  • June 27-30 - Stick around (sticker collages)

  • July 5-7 - Treasure boxes

  • July 11-14 - Rock painting

  • July 18-21 - Prayer beads

  • July 25-28 - Greeting cards to share

  • Aug. 1-5 - Painting bread (and yes, it's edible)

If you missed previous week's Grateful Journals or God's eyes, supplies and instructions are in the art area, so you can still make create them.

Deeper Wisdom of the Enneagram: Centers of Intelligence and Stances

So, you are familiar with the Enneagram and already know your Enneagram number, or style? This is just your starting point. A primary gift of Enneagram wisdom is the many layers of self-awareness and knowledge it offers. On July 22, 9 a.m.-Noon, Kathy and Jim Reiter will lead a workshop to highlight information about the three Centers of Intelligence as well as the three Stances of the Enneagram. "Focusing on the Center of Intelligence in which your Enneagram style is rooted will broaden your understanding of how you perceive and respond to daily life," Kathy said. "Working with Enneagram Stances will reveal your social style and the Center of Intelligence which offers you the most opportunity for development. An honest look at ourselves in these ways offers each of us yet another path for spiritual transformation." Register for Enneagram workshop

Spirituality of breadmaking: Buns for the Grill

What could be better than a home-grilled burger this summer? A home-grilled burger on a homemade bun. It's downright spiritual. Join us on Aug. 5, 10 a.m.-Noon to experience the discipline of kneading the dough, waiting patiently for it to rise, the yeasty smell - and what that might have to do with God in your life. It's great for individuals, friends or families. Hot dogs - on homemade buns, of course - will be served at the conclusion of this event, so be sure to register in advance.

Become a Spiritual Director

FIND is accepting applications for the Class of 2026 until June 30. The school, hosted by Middleway Urban Monastery in Bryan, TX, holds classes on Saturday a month, 9:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., September-June, for clergy and lay people. We are diverse and ecumenical without educational or age limits. Click the button for more information. FIND - School for Spiritual Direction


Middleway is open Thursdays until 7 p.m. Stop by to unwind after work. Padre Ben Sanchez, an Episcopal priest and Thursday evening host, also leads Grupo de Oracion, group prayer for Spanish speakers, 6-7 p.m.

Spiritual directors lend a (holy) ear at Middleway The backbone of Middleway is a team of spiritual directors, well trained by various schools, whose ministry is to listen to you with a holy ear. We are spiritual companions who are willing to meet with you monthly in a non-judging atmosphere as you discern where God is in your life. We don't try to "fix" you with our solutions. Being listened to -- truly listened to -- is powerfully healing. You and your spiritual director normally meet monthly for an hour. Some directors charge varying amounts, and others do not charge. Our current spiritual directors are listed at Email us at if you need more information. Planning ahead: note these on your calendar We hope you'll find at least one special event to attend between now and August. Mark your calendars!

  • June 25 – Chanting and meditative sit, 2 p.m.

  • July 22 – The Enneagram for Growth, going beyond the basics to explore your spirituality, 9 a.m.-Noon, with Kathy and Jim Reiter.

  • Aug. 5 – Spirituality of Breadmaking: Buns for the grill - 9:30 a.m.-Noon, with Kathleen Phillips.


  • Grupo de Oracion – Thursday evenings, 6 p.m.

  • Weekly Creativity with The Creator in the art area, through Aug. 5

How to experience the monastery While we offer a variety of programs you can attend, the monastery is also open at least four days a week and some evenings, Saturdays or Sundays for you to just come for a dose of the relaxing atmosphere where no one will bug you. Read, retreat from the hectic pace of your world, use the free art supplies, or partake of any of our prayer techniques that are gently explained in materials throughout the monastery. Children are welcome to come with an adult and may find the art area or special children's spirituality area a way to peace away from electronic distractions. We need you! Come volunteer as one who welcomes others into this peaceful place. While there, you'll be able to enjoy the hope, peace and comfort as well. We especially need volunteer hosts and receptionists who'd love to greet people and help them get familiar with the monastery. Middleway is 100 percent volunteer operated. Sign up at After you've selected the areas you want to volunteer in, you'll be able to click the Opportunities tab, then Assignments, then Available Shifts. If you need assistance, please come by the monastery or email Middleway Urban Monastery's Guide for Life

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