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Changing seasons of the soul

Middleway Urban Monastery Team

Our mission is to provide space for those seeking hope, comfort and peace as they explore ways of experiencing God’s love.

Dear Friends of Middleway Urban Monastery, September has arrived, bringing with it somewhat cooler temperatures, some kind of routine, and - especially this year - the realization that the year is heading toward an end.  Much of 2020 has been one change after another. Some of these were shocking and hard to grasp. Others caused considerable adjustment. Still others helped us realize that perhaps a change was necessary, even needed. At the very least, existing in 2020 has required all of our attention. With the changing of the seasons, and less than four months until 2021, what changes are upon you? How is your spiritual life being moved by world events? If the new routine and attempts to restructure "normal" has you stretched and stressed, perhaps giving yourself just 30 minutes a day or week by trying  one of the offerings listed in the weekly calendar under Events will bring you some peace.  If your schedule differs from the times listed, check into them when convenient for you on our Facebook page, YouTube channel or website. And, how about a retreat? We've got one coming up this month that you can attend from where ever you are.  Giving yourself some time during the day, week or month isn't selfish ... it can still your soul and open the way to the revitalization you need. Next book chosen for weekly study Discussions on "Creativity: Where the Divine and the Human Meet," by Matthew Fox, will begin on Sept. 8 at 7 p.m. Everyone is welcome. We read and discuss one chapter a week. So get your book, read the Preface and Chapter 1 and plan to join us on Zoom at: Meeting ID: 862 8991 8385 Passcode: 164675 OR find your local number to dial in: "Come to Your Senses" retreat set for Sept. 26 Since creation, God has spoken to humans through the five senses, and the Bible is full of examples from Genesis to Revelations. We, too, can use our senses prayerfully to communicate with God. Using simple surroundings readily available at home or wherever a person may be, this retreat will help you experience God through hearing, seeing, smelling, touching and tasting. The retreat, led by Kathleen Phillips, is interactive and consists of brief teachings followed by prayer time for each sense. Retreat with us from 9 a.m.-noon on Sept. 26. It's free, so come and invite your friends to join as well. Everything you need will be easily available in your own home...a Bible, a piece of string about a yard long, and your own morning coffee or beverage of your choice and lunch when it's time. That's all. We'd love to know you are joining, if you can email us at . The zoom link on Sept. 26 at 9 a.m. is How to Enter Middleway Urban Monastery Imagine our Facebook public group page to be a physical building. When you enter our URL,, it is like opening the door of a physical building, because you will find all that is offered there. Likewise, you can come to our website and explore the offerings, including links to our Twitter and Instagram accounts, if you like those formats and want to follow.  For those new to our community: Thanks for your interest in Middleway Urban Monastery. For the time being, our monastery is online only. We plan to eventually offer a physical space in Bryan, Texas. Even then, however, we will continue to offer our prayer times, meditations, centering, contemplation and various workshops and retreats online and led by spiritual directors and leaders around the Bryan-College Station area. If, for whatever reason. you feel "spiritual but not religious," that you no longer have a church or that you are just "done" with organized religion, no worries. We do not ask you to join the FB group page in order to participate. Just come to the monastery online – and eventually in person – as often as you want. We're about providing you space as you seek hope, comfort and peace as you explore ways of experiencing God’s love. Then, if you want to stay informed and take part in as many things as you can, subscribe to this weekly newsletter by going to and entering your email address at the Subscribe button on the lower right.

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(Education Building)

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P.O. Box 4755

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