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The season of Christmas continues

Middleway Urban Monastery Team

Dear Middleway Urban Monastery friends, CBS Sunday Morning today had a story about how people are wanting to schedule things but finding it hard with the ongoing pandemic. This is bothering people, the report said, because one's calendar looks like "Blursday" everyday. We can help with that! Since our inception in June 2020, Middleway Urban Monastery as offered daily morning, noonday and evening prayer along with centering prayer and a current issues prayer. We've also had regular weekly events such as prayer requests, a 12-Step Evening worship, Compline and a devotion with reflection questions, and monthly offerings such as a labyrinth meditation and Soul Care Sunday. Various retreats have been offered and will continue to be. And it's worth noting that our schedule doesn't take a holiday. After all, holiday comes from Holy Day. All of our events will all be offered on New Years Eve and New Years Day. Find us on our Facebook Group page at the times in our schedule below! So ink some or all of these into your calendar and get rid of the boredom of Blursday while tending to your soul. Check the events calendar below to set up your own schedule. Also, during the special seasons of the Christian year, we offer a variety of programs aimed at helping people discover new meaning in those remembrances. One of those is ongoing now to mark Epiphany. From now until Epiphany, Jan. 6, we honor the 12 Days of Christmas with a meditation and carol presented by Amy Thompson. These are on our Facebook page each day at 3:30 p.m. Read about what's in store below. Make a note to check them out on our Facebook group page or website. Favorites return in January Finger Friday Labyrinth meditation will be Jan. 1 at 12:30 p.m. A printable labyrinth is available in the Files tab on our Facebook Group if you want to following along that way. One can also use your own hand-held labyrinth or just sit or lie comfortably and listen to the meditation without a labyrinth. Soul Care Sunday, a monthly gathering with a special topic and discussion, will be Jan. 10 at 7 p.m. via zoom. More information will be provided in next week's newsletter. Book club to select reading list on Jan. 5. Our book club, which met weekly beginning in August, has finished three books. We are on a brief break for the holidays. We'll devote our next meeting to selecting books to carry us through the seasons of Lent and Easter until the end of May 2021. So if you have a book pertaining to some aspect of spirituality that you'd like to suggest, please join us at 7 p.m., Jan. 5 via zoom. Meeting ID: 862 8991 8385 Passcode: 164675 or call in 1 346 248 7799

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